The Blackbox Method for CF and PHP
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Welcome to the Blackbox Method!

Project Goals
Developers code many sites using concepts and code that, if written properly, should be able to be modularized and reused. Several methodologies have been created in an effort to create some sort of guideline for how to do this in ColdFusion. Blackbox is one of them. This project exists to port the core Blackbox file and methods from Coldfusion to PHP and ASP.

The History
Blackbox was born in February 1999 and the original specification was released in March of that same year. For over two years it remained unchanged. This new standard enhances the original by attempting to provide some additional guidelines for code sharing and reuse while addressing the ever-popular issue of modular content security.

The Benefits
Those who use Blackbox appreciate many things about it.
  • The abstraction of functionality
  • A high level of code re-use
  • A tremendous increase in development speed
  • Enhanced flexibility and extensibility
  • A thought process leading to an ease of development
  • Rapid prototypes
  • Compartmentalization of code
  • Easy knowledge transfer
  • Portability and openness
  • Confidence in existing modules
As you develop in Blackbox you will undoubtedly experience many of these benefits and more. Please feel free to give us feedback !

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